Takeaways from ADC23 – Part 2 - OpenAI's GPT + Pro Tools Scripting SDK


Update: Recording of the talk is now available here:

In my "Things I found game-changing at the Audio Developer Conference #ADC23", here's an update that should make everyone excited: OpenAI’s GPT + Pro Tools Scripting SDK by Avid: The SDK has been known to developers for almost a year now and looks like the Pro Tools ecosystem can move towards game audio quicker with all the possible workflows that users can now build with this. Reaper has had this benefit over other DAWs for quite sometime and that has been one of the strongest reasons for a lot of game audio enthusiasts to prefer it.

Now with the new Marker tracks in Pro Tools, the Scripting SDK and the brilliant demo that team Avid gave at ADC of using natural language sentences such as “Split the VO track into 5 parts and export them as VO_01, VO_02 and so on”, will actually make the edits happen WITHOUT WRITING CODE or building any automation (at least from user’s point of view), soon.

Once implemented with voice to text accessibility, this would just be as if you have your own “Studio Assistant” to handle Pro Tools work for you. (Dear Avid, feel free to call it that 😃). I’m eager to see where this goes next in Pro Tools, and possibly in other DAWs too. Exciting times for audio tech! If you couldn't attend ADC23 in-person or offline, wait for the recording of the session to go live in a few months. Meanwhile, learn more about the SDK here: https://developer.avid.com/scripting/ Btw, ADCx India 24 is all set for your attendance. Get the early bird tickets now at https://www.townscript.com/e/adcxindia24

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