Lessons From Building an Audio Tech Ecosystem – AirCon24
I presented at AirCon24 on June 14, 2024 at 8:30 AM UTC and am glad to have shared my experiences of building an audio tech ecosystem with an amazing audience of creative folks. Game audio, linear media, interactive/immersive projects and the audio tech industry – they all have a huge potential of cross collaboration. Over the past few years I’ve been working on creating a cohesive ecosystem for audio & music tech aimed at bridging the gap between creatives and techies. In this talk, I’ll share an overview of the things I’ve tried, initiatives that have worked and steps that we can take to upgrade the audio industry. The talk aims at showcasing the potential of possibilities when the creatives of the audio industry collaborate with the tech. I will share anecdotes from my experiences, ideas on how this can be tried in workplaces & at a community level. In my opinion, the next big thing in the audio industry will be a result of such collaborations and this talk is a step in that direction.
Even if you're watching a recording of the session, it'd be great if you could fill the poll above. It'll give you as much context about the current scenario. And as always, I always try to giveaway some gifts to the attendees who dare to listen to me for so long 😃 Here are some goodies for the attendees: 🎁
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Here are some key takeaways from the talk that includes steps I’ve taken so far presented as suggestions:
💡There are 4 major areas that build an industry: users (artists / creatives), companies (product / software / hardware), research and education — It’s important to see this as one whole system, rather than as competition.
🧑🔧 Understand your role as a user: Sound designers, music composers, mix engineers etc have a key role to play in audio tech—being artists who want to express their emotions. Like a guitar player wanting to play melodies for an audience. Someone who’d say, “I wish the guitar had one more string”, “I prefer a better pick up” etc.
📣 Understand company POVs: Most audio tool creators have engineers who are not necessarily creative audio professionals, patricularly in the AI/ML world. Many of them are working with assumptions. They need your inputs. Giving feedback directly to the company is more efficient for industry’s growth than ranting & meme-ing about products — do this using support emails, joining user surveys & becoming beta testers. Let tools be created with a meaningful agenda.
You can also check out my talk at AirCon23 here: Essence of Sound Design for IPs and Brands. If you'd like to discuss about upgrading the audio industry and building the audio tech ecosystem, or share any other idea, send me an email via the Contact Form and I'll get back to you at the earliest. ✉️ Got any suggestions for me to improve my presentation skills? I'm all ears. Please fill this form and let me know: Feedback on Sessions by Prashant Mishra 🚀 The event had some more amazing talks. Make sure to check them out on the Airwiggles website. Here's the full schedule:Abstract:
Here's the "Getting to know you" Poll: https://prashantmishra.xyz/aircon24/poll
Goodies ⭐️ :
Connect with Developers / Share ideas:
Recording of the Session:
Google Slides:
Key Takeaways:
📝 Document & Share Ideas: There can only be a handful of ideas that you can convert into revenue streams in your life time. Rest might help someone else. Take initiatives to start a conversation around those. Anyway, “someone somewhere is already working on an idea that you just had”. Why not join them?
🔍 Connecting with developers & product managers can be tricky: Within companies, schedule workshops with the dev teams. Besides that you can attend hybrid conferences such as Audio Developer Conference where you get to meet devs, product owners and CEOs who would find your insights valuable.
🧑💻 Hackathons are a great way to expand your communication circle. Ideate & build features. Even if you don’t end up with a great outcome, you would still enjoy the experience of collaborating and potentially making something that works for you as an artist.
🙇📖 Research happening today will show up as products in 2-5 years. Connect with PhD & Masters students: they need the expert user advice. Possible platforms: ADC, Music Tech Community and more.
📚Education around audio tech must be made more accessible, without paywalls. While this needs a lot of efforts, the first step is conversation.
And, one more thing…
🎸🤖 Scepticism about AI/ML can be resolved only by understanding its working & actively participating in its making. Remember, if you’re the guitar player and you don’t like the shape & tone of the guitar, blaming the manufacturer won’t help. Go to them and talk.
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Original talk link: airwiggles.com/c/live-events/lessons-from-building-an-audio-tech-ecosystem