Cmd + Shift + / can save you hours!


I've been using this for more than a decade now, and its such a trivial information that there are high chances that some mac-users might already know about it. In MacOS, using the shortcut cmd + shift + / opens up the Help menu, which has its own Search box. The cool thing about this search is that it can look for the keyword in ALL of the other menus in that application. Moreover, as you type the keyword, the relevant menu item gets automatically selected.

While having keyboard shortcuts for every function you use repeatedly is definitely a go-to approach, the Help menu can sometimes save you a lot of time.

MacOS Shortcut Tip

In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated, and often missed, shortcut in MacOS. This is one feature that I wish Windows would consider.

Main use case for me has been to get an audio plugin from the AudioSuite menu (which has list of all the plugins it has scanned) in Pro Tools. All you have to do is to use cmd + shift + /, start typing the plugin name, use arrow keys to select a result and the plugin gets auto selected in the AudioSuite menu. Press return and there you have it.

Let me know if you use this in your workflow.